"Working for a Better Tomorrow Together" Roving Exhibition 2017

Date: May to July 2017
Location: Tianjin, Langfang, Harbin, Lanzhou
Organisation: Beijing Office, Liaoning Liaison Unit, Tianjin Liaison Unit

2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland. Hong Kong, as Asia's world city facing Asia and connecting the world, is uniquely placed to benefit from the Mainland being its economic hinterland and to thrive under "One Country, Two Systems". Since the return to the Motherland, Hong Kong has enhanced cooperation with the Mainland in various aspects such as regional cooperation, trade relation, finance, infrastructure and tourism. This roving exhibition aims to promote Hong Kong's unique advantage, and its active role in seizing the opportunities of our country's rapid economic growth with a view to achieving mutual benefit for the future development of both the country and Hong Kong, and work for a better tomorrow together.

Roving Exhibition 2017